Plant Beat Heat

No matter how your hands are warm or cold if you know how to plant trees, they will be growing up!

Who believes that you are “warm-handed” who can’t plant any trees? If you believe this, then you become more discouraged that you don’t want to plant trees or if you used to be unsuccessful in planting trees and have decided to stop planting them altogether.

We would like to change your mind with these 4 tips that the tree planters have confirmed that they are really effective. We assure you that it is not too difficult. Open your mind and let’s try it.

1. Ask your mind… to know your desire.

Before planting, you need to answer where you want to plant the plant. For example, in a small room with little sunlight or outdoors with a large area exposed to sunlight all day or on a patio with partial sun exposure. Also, how much time do you have to take care of the plants? If you have time to water, fertilize it, lift the pots in the sun, you should try planting them in the ground. But if you’re short on time, you should opt for plants that grow in water or those that don’t require frequent watering.

2. Understand… the species of planting trees well.

Once you know your needs, the cultivars of the trees you plant will be narrowed down. Trees are no different from people that each species is suitable for different environments. You should start researching the species you want, for example, grow well in full sun or thrive in damp. Once you start to understand it a bit, go for it! You can go to a trusted plant store to try and buy a plant.

3. Confide… your readiness before starting a good life with the plants.

When going to the store (or buying online), you need to check the integrity of the plant first, e.g. the leaves must be bright, free from disease or insects, the trunk and roots must be healthy. The soil for planting must not be too wet because it may cause root rot problems. Once you have a selection of plants that are not yet mastered, you may wish to have the shop replace the appropriate pots for them before purchasing and asking for more knowledge about plant care to increase your confidence.

4. Pay attention… don’t give up and take care it to grow beautiful.

Once it has been planted, you must not be indifferent to it and take care of it closely. Especially in the early stages, the tree has a high fragility, you need to pay special attention. You should water at the proper frequency and amount, shovel the soil around the base of the plant including fertilize the proper formulation as a supplement to keep the plant healthy. If you are growing your plants indoors, you should move the pots to get enough sunlight and don’t forget to get rid of weeds or pests. Please remember that plants cannot grow on their own without a caretaker.

If you have these 4 minds, then you will know that “warm hands” or “cold hands” are not related. Understanding tree planting will save the tree and grow it into a healthy tree. Your plants will absorb pollution and purify the air for us to breathe. Plus, you can show off to people how cool you are to plant trees and survive. And most importantly, you can help reduce global warming too.


“ESG, Start For a Better World.”