Climate Emergency

What does “Net Zero” mean? Why is “Tree” one of the assistants who can all confirm “yes”?

If we compare global warming right now to humans, it would be like a person who is seriously ill because his/her body is overheating that needs serious treatment. It doesn’t have to look for a doctor to heal, it’s the duty of all who benefit from living on Earth to work together to fix it before it’s too late.

Recently, important forums like the 26th session of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (COP26) have been discussed in Scotland, where leaders from more than 190 countries around the world have pledged to work together to tackle the global warming crisis. It aims to reduce net emissions of greenhouse gases to “Net Zero” by 2050 and to keep the global temperature from rising above 1.5 degrees Celsius.

While it is gratifying to see global leaders awake, achieving Net Zero is something that everyone has to do. One of the important ways that everyone can help each other easily is “planting trees”. Trees absorb carbon dioxide, a gas that accounts for 80 percent of the greenhouse gas emissions. The process of photosynthesis of trees is stored in various parts such as leaves, branches, trunks and underground roots.

Planting one perennial plant can absorb an average of 9 – 15 kg of CO2 per year. Plus, it also produces enough oxygen for two people per year and reduces the temperature around the planting area by 2-4 degrees Celsius. The more trees we plant in the right way, the more sustainable the trees will grow. The global warming crisis will be greatly reduced as well.

        The future of the world is in our hands. If everyone works together to “Plant the trees to beat the heat” by just planting trees and upgrading skills to save the planet until a habit, we can cool the world and reduce global warming sustainably to make the world a better place today and pass it on to future generations to live happily for a long time.


“ESG, Start For a Better World.”