why we plant

When "The World We Care" is on the Brink of "Global Warming."
It's not just the rising temperature; it's also a sign that the planet is sick,
as evidenced by toxic air pollution from PM 2.5, which we breathe with paranoia,
extreme climate events such as severe heat weather, prolonged winter, and unseasonal rains.
The nature’s relaxing heavens: the forest and the sea, are facing some changes.



One of the simple and effective ways to mitigate the problem is “tree planting.”
It not only improves the quality of the air, allowing you to breathe confidently into your lungs,
and gives cool shade, happiness, and stress relief,
but it also absorbs CO gases, a major contributor to global warming.
Planting trees can give long-term benefits to both us and the world. It’s cool to cool the planet.
Getting a tree to sprout and blossom may not be easy.
It takes understanding, attention, and care for the tree to thrive
If successful, you'll be able to take pride in your accomplishments.
Planting trees will help to cool the world and slow the effects of global warming.


“Who Make Change - Let’s grow seagrass @ Trang” Trip

Will it be you?… who can make change against ‘Climate Change’

Calling all nature lovers! Let’s make the world cooler and share good stories to others 
by joining our trip, learning to plant and grow the world's important CO absorber,
“seagrass”, conserve the nature and experience the fisherman’s way of life.