Page 45 - SCG Code of Conduct
P. 45

If you receive an e-mail from an external party who is interested in being raw material supplier to SCG, the e-mail does not address any unit and has attachment and link to website for you to find more information, what should you do?
You should not open the attachment or website in unfamiliar e-mail or e-mail from unknown source and to unknown addresses to prevent undesired software embedded in the e-mail. And for e-mail transaction, you should verify identification of the contact person by using telephone or fax.
If an external party that you assign to arrange sale promotion activity for SCG asks you to use your computer to access to the website to modify it to accommodate the activity, will you allow him to do so?
You must not allow any external party to access to your computer, user account or internal network of SCG. You should consult your superior to request authority for the external party.

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