Page 44 - SCG Code of Conduct
P. 44

Use and Protection of Information Technology System
SCG desires that information technologies are used efficiently and safely according to SCG e-Policy to protect and preserve them from infringement or use without permission.
1. Use information technology and information in the system for SCG’s benefits. Avoid using the system that may violate normal usage of other people that is irrelevant to work or that may impact on the system’s efficiency.
2. Donotusethesystemtoaccesstoorsendinformationthat is against good ethics, gamble-related, affecting national security or violating other people’s rights.
3. Usethesystemaccordingtotheauthoritygrantedandkeep password secret and do not consent other people to use your password to access to the system.
4. Avoid opening file from unknown source and using data recording tool that has been used with a computer suspicious of virus infection or malware.
5. Avoid installing programs and configuration of the system that may affect security of the system. If you have any issue or find abnormality in the system, you have to contact IT helpdesk right away.
Information Technology
refers to equipment and systems used to process and transfer electronic data such as computer, network, the Internet, e-mail, password or programs, etc.

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