Page 22 - SCG Code of Conduct
P. 22

Health and Safety
SCG has paid great attention to health and safety of employees, contractors, customers, communities and stakeholders throughout our business value chain. Health and safety impact assessment must be carried out before investment or joint-venture is made. Place of business, production process, technology, machines, equipment and raw materials must be taken care of to ensure safety to health. Moreover, employees and relevant parties must be raised awareness in safety consciousness to comply with the health and safety regulations.
1. Complywithlaws,standards,regulationsandgoodpracticesonhealthandsafetyand cooperate on compliance with international agreements to prevent or mitigate possible impacts.
2. Examine your own readiness and physical health including co-worker, contractors and relevant party’s before commencing work. If the persons doing the work are unhealthy or not ready, the work must be stopped or ordered to stop immediately so as to prevent exposure to unnecessary danger at work or caused by work.
3. Beforestartingthework,assessriskandstudytheworkinginstructionsofunsafeorpotentially harmful jobs in order to plan or prepare appropriate prevention.
4. Incaseofbeingassignedharmfulworkornotbeingconfidentinsafetyatwork,thework must be stopped or held. And you must immediately consult the supervisor or expert.
5. Immediatelyreporttoyoursuperiorwhenyounoticeanythingunusualaboutyourworkplace
that could affect health or safety.
6. Supervisorsareobligedtosetrulesorguidelinesthatcouldpreventorcontrolaccidents
and to inform employees and others involved concerning those rules and guidelines. They
should also inspect the health of workers according to the risk to which they are exposed.
7. Transparentlydiscloseinformationregardinghealthandsafetyviaappropriatechannels and allow community and stakeholders to take part in public hearing on projects that may
have impacts on community and society.
8. Raise awareness on health care and safety precaution among co-workers and communities
around the place of business via appropriate channels such as meeting, seminar and training, site patrol or community activities in different occasions.

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