Page 16 - SCG Code of Conduct
P. 16

13 1 Human and Labor Rights
SCG is aware of respecting human rights of every individual so it treats everyone fairly without discrimination. It promotes and supports human rights and avoids human rights violation. Moreover, SCG has realized importance of labour so it treats the employees in compliance with labour laws and relevant regulations on a fair basis.
1. Showrespecttoandacceptanceofoneanotherandtreat others fairly without considering differences in physical and mental aspects, race, nationality, religion, gender, language, age, skin, education, social status or any other factors.
2. Take great care at work to prevent risk in human rights violation in business operation including relevant parties in the value chain. Monitor business activities to prevent the violation and report to superior to prevent human rights infringement.
3. Treat everyone fairly in every stage of recruitment starting from selection, remuneration payment, working hours and job holidays, assignment, performance appraisal, learning and development, career path planning and others without discrimination.
4. Avoidforcedlabor,laborfromhumantraffickingorchild labor that is illegal and punishment that is physical or mental torture as coercing, threatening, detaining, harassment or any violence in any form.
Human Rights
refers to basic rights of every human being to be protected from discrimination due to differences in physical and mental aspects, race, nationality, religion, gender, language, age, skin, education, social status or any other traits. The practice shall comply with laws of each country or commitment each country has made in any agreement.

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