Introducing 3 Water Treatment Innovations from SCG to Improve Community Livelihood, Piloting at Prem Prachakorn Canal and Thung Song Hong Police Flat

Water pollution in the community is a major problem in many urban areas. The polluted water in canals contributes to air pollution, foul smell and sources of diseases. The piling-up wastes in waterways have hindered drainage outflow, and can eventually cause ocean pollution. SCG has collaborated with the Ministry of Industry in a project called, […]

SCG-DMCR Litter Trap: SCG’s Innovative Solution to Marine Waste Problems

“Conserve and sustainably use the oceans, seas and marine resources for sustainable development” is one of the 17 UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) that serve as a framework for global development efforts after 2015. The concept was reinforced through government, civic groups, and businesses across the world. In Thailand, a leading company like SCG has […]