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     Every group of stakeholders is important to SCG business operation, directly or indirectly. Discovering and understanding interests and expectations of stakeholders helps a corporate reduce potential impacts on operations and create opportunities for improvement by integrating their concerns into the organization’s strategy and operational improvement. It is also considered as a challenge to develop a collaborative value creation between SCG and stakeholders.

Building Relationship with Stakeholders

SCG divides stakeholders into 12 groups, including customer, employee, contractor, supplier, community, shareholder, investor, creditor, government agency, media, civil society/ academic and competitor. In 2014, SCG has announced and adopted the stakeholder practice policy, setting up a clear practice guideline for each stakeholder group.

Stakeholder Engagement Approach

Having been influenced by changing circumstances such as global trends and stakeholder expectations, SCG has to conduct stakeholder analysis annually through meeting with relevant function store view roles and importance of stakeholders that could have impacts on businesses operation. The output of stakeholder analysis is taken into account for identification and prioritization of key stakeholders as well as for further development of stakeholder engagement plan based on each stakeholder group’s interests and expectations.

According to stakeholder analysis in 2014, stakeholders who are the most important groups to SCG’s operations are customer, employee, supplier, surrounding community, shareholder, government agency and civil society/academics. In order to respond to different needs and expectations of stakeholders, SCG applies various tools and channels to seek stakeholders’ concerns and expectations, such as stakeholder dialogue, opinion panel, joint meeting, satisfaction survey and complaints receiving. Recommendations and expectations from stakeholders enable SCG to improve current business operation and be a source for continual development plan in several aspects.

To build up and shape up good relationships with stakeholders, SCG considers influence and interest of each stakeholder group in line with the corporate capability to determine appropriate strategies and approaches to stakeholder engagement.







·   Quality products and services

·   Environmentally-friendly

manufacturing processes for

green products and services

·  Customer satisfaction survey annually

·  Channels for customer complaints or Recommendations

·  SCG corporate reputation survey every 3 years

·  SCG receives complaints/ feedback on products & services to develop current or new products & services to meet customers’ needs.


·  Welfare and remuneration

·  Knowledge development at work and off work

·  Career stability and growth

·  Business direction and adaptation

·  Employee satisfaction survey annually

·  Attitude survey

·  Executive meets employee forum quarterly

·  Employee satisfaction survey leads to improvement of employee caring and welfare, such as welfare on father on maternity leave.


·   Ethics and transparency on business transactions

·   Knowledge and competency development

·  Clarification and support supplier to understand business conduct and practices

·  Supplier visit to listen to problems and suggestions

·    SCG understands suppliers’ problems and needs, leading to the initiative of ‘Supplier Development for Sustainability’ with an objective to improve suppliers’ performance in several area such as loss reduction etc.


·   Development of life quality and generation of community’s income

·   Protection and care of environment surrounding the community

·  Community satisfaction survey annually and every 3 years

·  Dialogue and survey through community relation activities annually

·  Open house for community visit

·  SCG understands problems and needs of communities and then proceeds with development program which SCG conducts by itself or collaborates with relevant stakeholders such as government sector and peers in the same industry.


·  Performance and business growth

·  Management with transparency

·  Understanding of SCG operations

·  Disclosure of SCG operating results quarterly and place information on SCG website

·  Shareholder meeting annually

·  Plant visit and CSR annually

·  SCG understands more about expectations of shareholders and adapts to communication plan to cover shareholders/investors’ interested topics





·   Role models for other organizations in management with transparency and excellence

·   Utilization of SCG capacity to support government sector

·   Transparent information disclosure

·   Conducting business by minimizing impacts on environment and communities

·   Natural resources conservation and usage at the utmost benefit

·  Compliance to government regulations

·  Annual report and sustainability report

·  Opinion Panel annually

·  Communication through articles and media

·  CSR activities or projects to create collaborative actions

·  SCG is acknowledged about directions and future trends for improvement on current operations and strategic plans for the future.

Communication with Stakeholders StakeholderStakeholder Engagement through Opinion Panel

Opinion Panel is an approach which SCG Sustainable Development Committee has been continually implemented to engage government sector, educational sector, civil sector and other specific stakeholders to share opinions and perspectives toward SCG sustainable development. SCG adopts inputs and feedback from the panel to incorporate in the sustainable development strategic plan to build up value for all involving stakeholders. In 2014, SCG has held the 5th Opinion Panel on business ethics since this topic becomes vital in building trust among shareholders, investors and relevant parties at corporate and national levels.

Recommendations from Opinion Panel in 2014

Corporate governance and compliance

·         SCG employees should be engaged to formulate practice guidelines rather than adopting policies from executives only.

·         SCG should regularly review, update and improve practice guidelines to be complied with current situation, showing indicators and outcomes concretely.

Information disclosure

·         SCG should concern about stakeholders’ interest and disclosed information should reflect both financial and non- financial performance.

·         SCG should provide effective and accessible channels of information disclosure for stakeholders such as websites.

Being a role model

·         Good awareness should be embedded among SCG employees and extended to relevant stakeholders.

·         SCG, as a role model and change agent, should utilize organization’s capability to drive other organizations or relevant parties to value good governance and implement in their organizations systematically.

·         Religious principles can be adopted as a mechanism to build up corporate culture morals, ethics, contemplation and wisdom among existing employees, to train new employees and to extend outcomes to external parties.